Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Enterprise Manager Dbcontrol for a clustered environment(11gR2 RAC)

Here are the steps for configuring Enterprise Manager dbcontrol for 11gR2 clustered environment.

step-1 export DBUNIQNAME
you can get it from show parameter db_unique_name


Check for DBUNIQUE name
SELECT name, db_unique_name FROM v$database;

check the service status If dbcontrol is running on any cluster node
Note: if dbcontrol repository is there for one node or dbcontrol is running on any cluster node you need to drop it.

$emctl status dbconsole  -- check for dbcontrol running on any node
$emca -deconfig dbcontrol db -repos drop  -- dropping dbcontrol running on single node
$emctl status agent  -- check the status of agent running on any node
$emca -repos drop -cluster

db user passwd unlock
alter user SYSMAN identified by SYSMAN account unlock;
alter user DBSNMP identified by DBSNMP account unlock;

Check for passwd file
select * from V$PWFILE_USERS;

USERNAME                       SYSDB SYSOP SYSAS
—————————— —– —– —–
SYS                            TRUE  TRUE  FALSE

db user for ASM

sqlplus sys/system as sysasm
create user asmsnmp identified by asmsnmp;
grant sysdba to asmsnmp;
grant sysasm to asmsnmp;
grant sysoper to asmsnmp;

SQL> select * from gv$pwfile_users;

   INST_ID USERNAME                       SYSDB SYSOP SYSAS
---------- ------------------------------ ----- ----- -----
         2 SYS                                           TRUE  TRUE  TRUE
         2 ASMSNMP                               TRUE  TRUE  TRUE
         1 SYS                                           TRUE  TRUE  TRUE
         1 ASMSNMP                               TRUE  TRUE  TRUE

SQL>  select * from v$pwfile_users;

USERNAME                       SYSDB SYSOP SYSAS
------------------------------ ----- ----- -----
SYS                                     TRUE  TRUE  FALSE
ASMSNMP                         TRUE  FALSE FALSE

alter user sys identified by SYSTEM;

passwd file for oracle_home/dbs for sysuser
passwords for rdbms home
orapwd file=orapwRACDB1 password=SYSTEM entries=5 force=y ignorecase=y
orapwd file=orapwRACDB2 password=SYSTEM entries=5 force=y ignorecase=y

password for grid home
inside grid_home/dbs
orapwd file=orapw+ASM password=SYSTEM entries=5 force=y ignorecase=y

before creating gridcontrol for cluster please check the followings
1) valid username/password.
2) Database should be up.
3) Scan listener should be up.
4) Database service should be registered with scan listener.
5) Password file should be  configured correctly.

Now configure emctl for cluster
if you are creating for the first time
 $emca -config dbcontrol db -repos create -cluster

if you want to recreate the emcontrol again(drop and create)
  $emca -config dbcontrol db -repos recreate -cluster

This will ask you few questions like
port number
ASMSNMP passwd
SYS Passwrd
DBSNMP passwd

keep these ready and give input.

100% it will be successfull.

Please feel free to ask @manojpalbabu@gmail.com