Here are some tips for generating nmon reports.
/usr/bin/topas_nmon -AdfPtV^ -s 30 -c 2880
/usr/bin/topas_nmon -f -t -d -A -O -L -N -P -V -T -^ -s 60 -c 1440
A--Summarizes the Async I/O (AIO server) processes.
d--Displays the I/O information of disks.
f--Specifies that the output is in spreadsheet format
P--Includes the Paging Space section in the recording file.
t--Includes the top processes in the output
V--ncludes disk volume group section.
^--Includes the Fibre Channel (FC) sections.
n--network statistics
c--processor statistics on bar graphs
Here are some tips for generating nmon reports.
/usr/bin/topas_nmon -AdfPtV^ -s 30 -c 2880
/usr/bin/topas_nmon -f -t -d -A -O -L -N -P -V -T -^ -s 60 -c 1440
A--Summarizes the Async I/O (AIO server) processes.
d--Displays the I/O information of disks.
f--Specifies that the output is in spreadsheet format
P--Includes the Paging Space section in the recording file.
t--Includes the top processes in the output
V--ncludes disk volume group section.
^--Includes the Fibre Channel (FC) sections.
n--network statistics
c--processor statistics on bar graphs