Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Apps Login Issue with Unable to generate forwarding URL. Exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: Guest user/pwd does not exist or match: GUEST/ORACLE

Problem Statement:

In a recently cloned instance of oracle APPS R12, I started both the tiers. Then tried to login into application. I found the login page is coming blank then checked all fndlibr process whose count was ok. I checked the database tier I found no error or no such problem in database alert log file.

Then I checked concurrent manager processes with the below query:

SELECT v.concurrent_queue_name,v.concurrent_queue_id,
v.enabled_flag,TO_CHAR(v.last_update_date, 'DD-MON-RR HH24:MI:SS'),
v.node_name,v.node_name2, p.concurrent_processor_name
FROM fnd_concurrent_queues_vl v, fnd_concurrent_processors p
where v.enabled_flag = 'Y'
and v.concurrent_processor_id=p.concurrent_processor_id
order by v.application_id, v.concurrent_queue_id;

It showed all the concurrent manager processes were up and running fine.

2nd Observation: In another system I tried to open the application but here I found the below error on the browser.

Apps Login Issue with Unable to generate forwarding URL. Exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: Guest user/pwd does not exist or match: GUEST/ORACLE

Then I got the below queries to check

The below command run consecutively in the same session

SQL> select fnd_web_sec.validate_login('GUEST','oracle') from dual;


SQL> select fnd_message.get from dual;

Oracle error -4031: ORA-04031: unable to allocate 4096 bytes of shared memory ("
java pool","unknown object","joxs heap",":Intern") has been detected in FND_WEB_

here the problem is clear.

Then I checked.

SQL> show parameter java

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
java_jit_enabled                     boolean     TRUE
java_max_sessionspace_size           integer     0
java_pool_size                       big integer 0
java_soft_sessionspace_limit         integer     0

Then I increased the java_pool_size=128M
 $sqlplus sys as sysdba
sql> alter system set java_pool_size =128M scope=both;

Then I have bounced back the db and appsTier and checked the application I was able to login.

 Please feel free to mail me @    viewssharings.blogspot.in@gmail.com