Monday, 9 October 2017

Oracle Database Security Assessment

Security, an unavoidable technology these days if you see the technology trend and the number of innovations in IT. Securing your Database is equally important as securing applications and network. Attacks can happen from inside or outside but the portion of damage that can do is unexpected. If attackers can gain access to database from any vulnerable points(say it from Network or Application or From OS)  it can lead to disaster. Hence, it is vital to understand the database vulnerabilities and how to fill the gap.

DBSAT (Database Security Assessment Tool) essentially an Oracle Database security Vulnerability assessment tool which tells what are all security gaps available in the database and it also suggests with recommendations. Roles, privileges, Security configurations, OS level permissions, options and features etc. are the major part of the DBSA report which tells if they are configured as per security standards with the database or not.

A comprehensive and formatted report can be easily generated using DBSA tool. DBSA tool is packaged and provided in (DOC ID: 2138254.1).

There are two options available in dbsat tool.

$dbsat collect <connect_string> <destination>  -- for collecting data from the database 

$dbsat report collectedFile

Check the Oracle reference below for more details and architecture diagram. 


If you want more information you can contact